Pedestrian Accidents in STL
The St. Louis pedestrian accident lawyers of Dixon Law provide the greatest level of care and legal guidance for St. Louis and Missouri residents. When you or someone you love has been the victim of a pedestrian accident, and you’ve suffered severe injuries and have lost work and wages because of those injuries, you need a pedestrian accident lawyer to protect your interests. The Pedestrian accident lawyers at Dixon Law can guide you through your pedestrian accident claim and see to it that you and your family are provided for during this trying time. Whether you need financial assistance because of loss of work, medical bills, or to pay for the costs of recovery associated with any injuries sustained because of the accident, Christopher R. Dixon and the Dixon Injury Firm can and will provide you with expert pedestrian accident legal guidance.
When you or someone you love has been in pedestrian accident and needs a pedestrian accident attorney, you need the best in the industry. Christopher R. Dixon and the St. Louis personal injury accident attorneys of Dixon Law strive to provide the best results possible. Christopher R. Dixon is recognized as a Top 100 Trial lawyer by the National Trial Lawyers Association and a Life-Time Member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and when you choose Chris for your legal guidance and counseling for a pedestrian accident case you will be taken care of.
Accidents involving pedestrians are much more common than most people realize. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), every year close to 80,000 pedestrians are injured as a result of being struck by a car or truck. Approximately 5,000 of these injuries are fatal. Pedestrians encompass everyone from children walking to school, to members of the workforce walking to lunch. In essence, we are all pedestrians.
Due to the staggering number of pedestrian accidents and deaths, the NHTSA and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are launching a new set of tools aimed a reducing this epidemic. These tools include their everyone is a pedestrian website with safety tips and resources for local leaders, city planners, parents and all other interested parties, as well as grants to cities with the highest rate of pedestrian deaths.
The unprotected nature of pedestrian accidents results in horrific injuries and deaths. Today’s growing distracted drivers are fueling these unnecessary losses. Those injured are entitled to reimbursement for all of their harms and losses.
To learn more, give us a call at (314) 208-2808 or CONTACT us online to schedule a free initial consultation.
Factors Commonly Contributing to Pedestrian Fatalities and Injuries in St. Louis
According to the CDC, nearly 6,000 pedestrians are killed in traffic accidents each year. Emergency rooms treat another 100,000 pedestrians for serious traffic injuries annually, and pedestrians are 50 percent more likely to suffer from fatal injuries than vehicle occupants. Studies indicate that the majority of serious pedestrian injuries occur in urban areas, such as St. Louis, and at night.
One in every five fatal pedestrian accidents involves drunk driving.
Intoxication results in delayed physical reaction times, blurry vision, and reduced critical thinking skills—meaning many drunk drivers cannot stop in time for pedestrians crossing roadways.
In addition to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, these factors frequently contribute to St. Louis and Metro East pedestrian accidents:
- Poor lighting
- Vehicle speed
- Lack of designated crosswalks
- Population density
- Age
- Distracted driving
Seniors and children account for a disproportionate number of pedestrian injuries and deaths, especially when drivers cannot see young children crossing the street. The seriousness of pedestrian injuries is generally proportional to vehicle speed and impact angle. Studies indicate that the risk of serious pedestrian injuries and deaths increases by two to three percent for every additional one mile per hour of vehicle speed.
Further, pedestrians have less than a five percent chance of suffering from fatal injuries when struck by vehicles traveling under 25 miles per hour. The rate of pedestrian accident fatalities increases to 45 percent for vehicles traveling at 35 miles per hour and over 90 percent for vehicles traveling at 60 miles per hour. For this reason, St. Louis sets city speed limits at 25 miles per hour.
Vehicle & Traffic Violations Leading to Pedestrian Accidents
Most serious pedestrian injury cases involve negligent drivers, often in combination with unsafe roadway designs. Proving that Illinois or Missouri traffic violations caused the accident might entitle injured pedestrians to accelerated liability determinations. It’s essential to quickly contact experienced pedestrian accident lawyers following striking accidents, as this may preserve essential evidence.
Attorneys could immediately ask local businesses to copy security footage capturing the accident, send investigators to photograph the scene, and demand insurers provide experts with access to damaged vehicles. Acting quickly may help preserve DNA evidence of the pedestrian impact, especially when drivers refuse to provide testimony. In addition to speeding and drunk driving, the following traffic violations often contribute to pedestrian injuries.
Failure to Yield
Drivers must generally—although not always—yield the right of way to pedestrians. This includes yielding to walkers and joggers in crosswalks and intersections. Surprisingly, most serious pedestrian accidents do not occur when cities establish designated crosswalks with functional traffic control devices. Instead, they often happen when drivers are confused about the pedestrian right of way in business districts and residential areas. They also frequently occur when rushed drivers refuse to wait for pedestrians to cross through parking lots.
Failure to See
Traffic laws require St. Louis drivers to keep a safe lookout for pedestrians. Unfortunately, many fatal pedestrian injuries occur when one vehicle blocks the other driver’s view of the walker. These accidents may happen when pedestrians suddenly exit bus stops or cross through parked vehicles; however, the most frequently occur when drivers swerve around vehicles stopped for pedestrians.
In such cases, the front vehicle blocks the rear driver’s view of the crossing pedestrian, and the frustrated rear driver attempts to pass the stopped vehicle, directly striking the crossing walker. Illinois law (625 ILCS 5/11-10029(d)) specifically prohibits drivers from passing other vehicles stopped at crosswalks. Failure to see pedestrians also accounts for the increased incidents of pedestrian impacts at night, especially in areas with broken streetlights.
Driver distraction is among the leading causes of serious motor vehicle crashes. City drivers, especially tourists, are frequently searching for parking spots and destinations while driving. They often consult their phones or text while in traffic, and this behavior leads to serious pedestrian injuries.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) reports show texting/emailing while driving to be especially dangerous because it involves visual, physical, and cognitive distractions. Drivers must typically look at their phones when reading incoming texts, think about what they’re writing, and take their hands off the wheel to send the message. It only takes a moment of distraction to strike pedestrians in Downtown St. Louis or Lafayette Square.
Recovering from Disabling Injuries Following Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Crashes in St. Louis
Numerous factors—including the victim’s overall health and impact angle—contribute to the type of injuries sustained during pedestrian accidents. However, impact force remains the primary factor dictating the overall severity of the claimant’s injuries.
The impacting vehicle’s speed and weight, including the second impact surface (pavement or grass), generally determines whether pedestrians suffer from one of the following life-altering injuries:
- Comminuted or Compound Leg & Arm Fractures – These severe fractures often occur when the vehicle smashes into or runs over a claimant’s leg or arm. They involve broken bones that protrude through the skin or fractures with multiple breaks. These injuries may happen when the car hits the claimant’s humerus with substantial force or when the impact force knocks the claimant over, but oncoming vehicles cannot stop. Sometimes drivers panic after striking pedestrians and accelerate rather than break. Severely broken bones often require multiple surgeries and could result in amputations.
- Broken and Dislocated Hips – Crosswalk collisions often result in waist-high impacts that immediately break or dislocate the claimant’s hip. However, the impact force may also push pedestrians onto hard pavement resulting in hip fractures. These fractures often require surgery, and many older Americans struggle to recover from hip injuries.
- Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) – Unlike cyclists, pedestrians do not wear helmets to mitigate sudden head trauma. Many pedestrian impacts result in concussions or severe traumatic brain injuries if the force propels the claimant backward into the pavement. This may result in skull fractures and brain bleeding necessitating immediate medical intervention. Unfortunately, young children may suffer from primary and secondary head trauma due to their heights.
- Paralysis – Spinal cord damage often results in paralysis. High-speed impacts are more likely to sever the spinal cord at the area of impact or result in broken necks when pedestrians hit the pavement. Paralysis often results in millions of dollars in lifetime medical costs and lost wages. Many claimants with severe brain injuries also suffer from neck and spine damage.
- Herniated Discs – Neck and back pain are the world’s leading cause of workplace disabilities. Most pedestrian impacts dislodge the delicate spinal discs between the vertebrae, causing extreme pain and nerve damage. Claimants may require multiple surgeries and months of physical therapy to treat disc herniations, and pain may persist.
- Facial and Dental Injuries – Road rash, broken teeth, and facial fractures may accompany pedestrian injuries when the crash force propels claimants onto the pavement. These friction burns and facial fractures may result in disfigurement and may require expensive and often uncovered cosmetic procedures.
- Chest-Crushing Trauma – Parking accidents are another common type of pedestrian collision. They often occur when walkers are moving between vehicles and drivers back into the claimant, crushing him between two vehicles. These accidents may result in fractured ribs, lung damage, and even heart attacks.
Even after being rushed to St. Louis University Hospital, many of these catastrophic injuries result in fatalities. Families may pursue personal injury claims on behalf of fatally injured loved ones by working with experienced wrongful death litigators. Even injuries that don’t result in fatalities often cause life-altering disabilities.
Many claimants struggle to walk, much less work, following disabling pedestrian accidents. The dedicated St. Louis injury lawyers at the Dixon Injury Firm might help pedestrians struck by negligent drivers recover essential financial damages following the trauma.

Options for Recovering Lost Wages and Medical Expenses After Metro East Pedestrian Accidents
Injured pedestrians often struggle with immediate medical expenses and lost wages following traffic accidents. Claimants with personal auto insurance policies may use their medical payment coverage if any, as pedestrian impacts qualify as motor vehicle accidents. However, many injured pedestrians don’t maintain personal vehicles. St. Louis claimants have a few options for recovering damages following pedestrian accidents.
Filing Claims with Liable Auto Insurers
Attorneys generally recommend filing immediate insurance claims with the liable driver’s auto insurance policy. Claimants may file multiple claims if more than one driver negligently caused their injuries. Most cases settle with liable insurers following the initial insurance investigation.
However, insurance companies often train adjusters to shift blame onto innocent pedestrians. They may hide essential evidence and cite inapplicable laws to deny victims their rightful benefits. Our experienced pedestrian injury settlement lawyers might file and negotiate accident payouts on your behalf without any upfront cost.
Demanding Compensation from Liable Corporations
Many accidents, especially late-night collisions, involve rideshare (Uber and Lyft) and taxi drivers. They may also involve working sales and delivery persons. When negligent drivers cause accidents while working, their employers generally share liability for the accident.
Injured claimants may demand all available damages directly from the liable employer or file claims with an umbrella insurance policy. This allows pedestrians suffering from disabling injuries to seek compensation beyond the value of small auto insurance policies.
Suing Negligent Parties for Personal Injuries
If the negligent driver didn’t carry insurance or adjusters refuse to offer fair settlements, pedestrian injury lawyers recommend filing personal injury litigation. Experienced attorneys may file claims against all potentially negligent parties, including drivers, vehicle owners, and their employers. Most pedestrian accident litigation falls under the personal injury umbrella.
As such, St. Louis injury litigators typically file general negligence, negligence per se (traffic violation liability), or recklessness claims. Serious pedestrian accidents involving drunk drivers, drag racing, or road rage incidents may support punitive damage awards.
Filing Public Tort Claims
Because poor lighting and negligently designed crosswalks may contribute to catastrophic pedestrian accidents, claimants might demand damages from liable public entities. Pursuing these cases requires strict adherence to either the Missouri or Illinois tort claims acts. Specific statutes limit public liability in most cases, but it is possible to obtain damages in some circumstances. Contact our experienced traffic accident litigations immediately if the accident involved potential municipal liability.
Using Victim’s Compensation Funds
Missouri maintains a Tort Victims’ Compensation Fund for victims of serious pedestrian accidents when the negligent party cannot provide adequate reimbursement. This often occurs if the driver did not carry insurance, fled the scene, or filed for bankruptcy during personal injury proceedings. The state will investigate the facts of the case and, if viable, award damages as appropriate.
Damages Available in Traffic Accident Cases
The experienced pedestrian traffic accident lawyers at the Dixon Injury Firm might help prospective clients understand their financial recovery options and maximize their damages.
Wrongfully injured or killed pedestrians might demand compensation for the following:
- Hospital, ambulance, and ER expenses
- Doctor and nursing costs
- Medications
- Caretaker costs
- Medical transportation fees
- Rehabilitation and therapy bills
- Lost income
- Lost employment benefits
- Increased insurance premiums
- Lost earning capacity
- Lost career advancement opportunities
- Physical pain
- Emotional suffering
- Lost enjoyment of life
- Frustration and inconvenience
- Loss of consortium (spousal damages)
Financial demands may include both past and future losses, which medical and economic experts might calculate based on your prognosis. Our dedicated St. Louis, MO-IL personal injury attorneys, might help injured claimants and their families recover these needed damages without any upfront or out-of-pocket costs. With our contingency fee agreements, we only get paid if we recover needed damages for our clients.
Premises Liability in Pedestrian Accidents
Not all pedestrian accidents involve motor vehicles. Property owners have a duty to neighbors, postal works, guests and others lawfully on their property, to keep their property free from defects and hazards which are likely to cause injury. The following are common types of non-auto pedestrian accidents which are responsible for thousands of injuries each year:
- Poorly maintained sidewalks
- Uneven surfaces
- Broken escalators
- Security defects
- Swimming pool accidents
- Slip and fall accidents
- Wet floor accidents
- Hidden snares and traps
- Dog bites
- Construction sites that are not properly roped off
Common Missouri Crosswalk Accident Injury Claims
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the problem is so common that in 2017, every 88 minutes, approximately one pedestrian was killed in the U.S. due to a driver or pedestrian’s negligence. Most pedestrian accidents involve speeding or distracted driving which can result in critical injuries or even death for a pedestrian. Typically, the most common types of injuries involved in a crosswalk accident include:
- Head trauma such as concussions, brain damage, hemorrhaging
- Neck or spinal injuries that can cause paralyzation, decreased mobilization, and a decline in life satisfaction
- Amputations and fractured or broken bones
- Severe mental and emotional distress, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD
- Death. In 2006 roughly 600 pedestrians were killed while using crosswalks in the U.S.
The most common demographic for crosswalk accidents in St. Louis is adults over the age of 65, who might have decreased mobility, and children under the age of 15 who are likely to be distracted while crossing the street, or less likely to use a crosswalk at all. The best way to prevent a crosswalk accident in the first place is by knowing the most common causes of crosswalk accidents and how they can be prevented.
Proving Fault in St. Louis Pedestrian Accident Claims
If you have suffered injuries because of a pedestrian’s negligence, it’s essential to gather evidence of the pedestrian’s carelessness (witness accounts, footage from traffic cameras, police report), seek medical attention (obtain a copy of your medical report that details your injuries from the accident), and hire a Missouri Pedestrian Crash Lawyer to represent your case. After the accident, the other party’s insurance company might try to deny your claim, and attempt to pin the blame on you for the accident by citing acts of negligence, but an experienced lawyer can protect you from the other party, prove the other party’s negligence, and demand compensation for your harm and losses.
St. Louis Pedestrian Accident FAQ
How Do You Know If You Have a Valid Pedestrian Accident Claim?
The best and only reliable way to tell if you have a valid personal injury claim after being the victim in a pedestrian accident is to speak with a St. Louis pedestrian accident attorney. When you call our firm, we will provide a free, confidential case consultation. During this consultation, we will review your accident and injuries to determine your next best steps. If those steps happen to be pursuing a personal injury claim against the driver who hit you, we would be honored to help with that.
How Soon Do You Have to Bring a Lawsuit in a Pedestrian Accident?
Generally, injured parties in Missouri have five years from the date of their injury to file a legal claim under the Missouri statute of limitations for personal injuries. If you are filing an uninsured claim, you must file a police report and notify the insurer of your claim within a reasonable time after the accident.
Suppose the driver was an employee of a public agency or department. In that case, you must file a written notice called an “ante litem notice” to the appropriate department.
If the victim is a minor, the statute of limitations is paused or tolled until they turn 21. If you miss the deadline or statute of limitations that applies in your case, you lose your right to pursue a legal claim through the court system.
This makes contacting an attorney about your pedestrian accident as soon as possible imperative. Your attorney will know which statute of limitation applies in your case and file it on time at the appropriate courthouse.
Is the Driver the Only Party Whom You Can Sue in a Pedestrian Accident?
There may be additional parties responsible for your accident. For instance, if the driver’s vehicle had brake problems, the auto shop that negligently serviced it might be a liable party. Or an expert might determine that the street or intersection where you were hit was poorly lit or dangerously designed, or the local municipality was given notice of previous pedestrian accidents at the same location.
If the driver was under the influence of alcohol, the individual or commercial place that gave the alcohol to the driver might be liable per Missouri’s dram shop laws if the individual served was underage or was served while they were noticeably intoxicated and the staff knew that the individual was likely to drive.
There may be other parties liable as well and circumstances you may not have been aware of at the time of your accident. When you hire a seasoned attorney to represent your pedestrian accident claim, they will investigate your accident to identify all potentially liable parties, maximizing your compensation.
An Uninsured or Underinsured Driver Hit You, Now What?
Since the collision involved a motor vehicle, you can probably seek compensation from your own auto liability insurance company if you have uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) coverage. If you don’t have a vehicle but live with a relative who does, then you can use their car insurance policy as long as they have UM/UIM coverage.
You must file a police report and immediately report the accident to the insurance company, or the insurer could deny your benefits. You may also pursue compensation from the owner of the vehicle that the driver was driving personally. Our attorneys can help you pursue both the UM/UIM insurance company and the person who hit you.
Do You Really Need to See a Doctor After a Pedestrian Accident?
Yes. When a motor vehicle hits a pedestrian’s unprotected body, it can cause severe harm. Unfortunately, that harm isn’t always visible. For example, you could have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or internal organ damage with delayed-onset symptoms. Seeing a physician right away is critical for your health.
Maybe it seems like your accident wasn’t serious. Perhaps the car that hit you just bumped your leg or hip or ran over your toes. You’re sore, but don’t feel as though you are seriously injured. Do you need medical care? No matter how minor or severe your accident seems, it’s in your best interest to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Whether you see a doctor at Barnes-Jewish, St. Louis University Hospital, or the Total Access Urgent Care in your neighborhood, do seek medical attention. Often, pedestrian accident injuries aren’t immediately painful or symptomatic. Or you may feel as if you have a simple bump or bruise when you have a more serious injury such as a concussion, broken bone, or internal bleeding.
A licensed medical professional should examine you as soon as possible. This is best for your health and well-being and any potential legal claim you might have. For example, suppose you don’t see a doctor right away, but your back starts hurting in a week, and your leg is numb. In that case, the insurance company could say that your injury wasn’t related to your accident; it had to have been caused by something after the accident since you waited a week after the accident to get medical care.
Document your initial medical visit and all subsequent medical appointments, as well as the mileage to and from your appointments. You can seek compensation for your medical care and the mileage. Showing the insurance company that you sought medical care right away usually results in an easier claim for compensation.
How Can You Get Someone to Cover Your Medical Bills?
When all is said and done, if the driver who hit you is at fault for the accident, their insurance should pay your medical bills. The bad news is that it can take months or even years to resolve a pedestrian accident insurance claim. Unfortunately, most medical providers want to be paid right away, not in months or years.
If you have medical payments coverage (“med pay” coverage) on your own motor vehicle insurance policy, it might cover the injuries you sustained as a pedestrian, depending on your policy. If it doesn’t, the next best option is your health insurance coverage. However, keep in mind that when another insurance company pays your medical expenses, they will expect reimbursement by the at-fault driver’s insurance once you settle – this is known as subrogation.
If you don’t have any pertinent insurance coverage, or if your insurance won’t pay for all of the treatment you require, we may be able to help you get treatment with a medical lien. This is a legal agreement between your healthcare providers and your attorney to provide you with treatment at no up-front cost. Once we reach a settlement or verdict in your favor, you will need to pay back the full amount of the lien. While owing money is never ideal, it’s sometimes the best way for injured pedestrians to get the medical care they deserve.
Does the Driver Have to Receive a Ticket to Bear Liability?
While a ticketed driver helps your attorney maximize your compensation, it’s not necessarily required. If the driver got a ticket, it shows responsibility for the accident under traffic laws but not necessarily under civil laws. Even if law enforcement doesn’t determine that the driver broke the law and deserves a ticket or citation, the driver could still be responsible for the pedestrian accident. Thousands of drivers each year get away without a ticket or citation. Yet, they are still responsible for the injuries and damages they caused. Don’t let a driver not being ticketed stop you from seeking the justice you deserve.
How Long Will Your Case Take to Resolve?
The duration of your case depends on the type and extent of your injuries, the conditions of your crash, the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier, and the at-fault driver’s insurance company. We generally begin negotiating with the insurance company after you’ve completed your medical treatment plan.
If your claim goes to trial, it may take longer before your case goes before a judge or jury. However, the lawsuit can still settle at any point before the verdict.
While most personal injury claims settle out of court, at Dixon Injury Firm, we prepare every case for trial. This allows us to negotiate with the insurance companies from a position of strength and locate the evidence that will prove the extent of your injuries and help make you whole again. When one of our cases goes to trial, we’re always prepared to fight for our clients in court. We never shy away from trials. Instead, we’ll help you prepare thoroughly, and we know how to win.
Why Do You Need An Attorney on Your Side?
If you have been hit by a car, you need an advocate on your side who knows what comes next, who understands how to negotiate with the insurance carrier to get you the compensation you need. You need someone who knows the particulars of your case and will fight to ensure you receive the damages you deserve.
That’s why you need the dedicated lawyers from Dixon Injury Firm. We’ll investigate every detail of your claim and take on the insurance company. We’ll do whatever it takes to make you whole again. Get in touch with us today to schedule your no-obligation consultation.
Without an attorney on your side, the insurance company likely will:
- Attempt to blame you in one way or another for the accident
- Try to get you to settle for a much lower figure than your claim is really worth
- Dispute the extent of your injuries or disabilities
- Delay the processing of your claim
- Deny your claim entirely
- Attempt to get you to say something that will harm your claim or something that they can twist to use to their advantage
When Should You Hire an Attorney After a Pedestrian Accident?
Your medical care always comes first after being in any injury accident. Once you are medically stable, you should reach out to a St. Louis pedestrian accident attorney as soon as possible. The sooner you have them on your side, the better the outcome of your claim. For example, if you wait to hire an attorney, you may fall for one of many insurance company tactics that devalues your claim, or you may settle for less than your claim is worth. Don’t speak to the insurance company for the party who hit you until you first speak with us.
Why Should You Choose Dixon Injury Firm?
We know you have many choices when hiring legal representation after a pedestrian accident. It’s our honor and privilege to serve injured pedestrians in their time of need, so much so that this area of law is our only focus. These accidents can have long-lasting impacts on nearly every aspect of your life. Our experienced trial attorneys have helped countless injury victims obtain the compensation they deserve for their life-altering injuries.
Our attorneys have the experience and confidence necessary to face insurance giants on behalf of injured victims. We level the playing field for you and provide a safe place for you to seek the help you need. We believe our results and testimonials speak for themselves.
You can confidently choose our firm to represent your pedestrian injury claim because:
- We are skilled negotiators who aren’t afraid to litigate claims if need be
- We have helped recover more than $50,000,000 for injured clients
- We are dedicated to serving the interests of Missouri personal injury victims
- Your biographical and case information is always confidential
- We are available to you 24/7
- Consultation with our injury lawyers is always complimentary
- If you are too injured, travel to our St. Louis office, we will make arrangements to come to you
Founding attorney Christopher Dixon:
- Is a Lifetime Member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum
- Recognized by the National Trial Lawyers Association as a “Top 100 Trial Lawyer”
Among the “Top 40 Under 40 trial lawyers

Hiring a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
Sadly, even when pedestrian accidents are caused by driver negligence or recklessness, insurance companies will try to thwart victims’ efforts to receive reimbursement for their harms and losses. Reducing or refusing to pay claims is how insurance companies turn a profit; therefore, if they can, they will try to prove that the victim was at fault for the accident. In order to deny your claim, they may accuse you of any of the following:
- Crossing the street outside of marked cross walks
- Walking into traffic and causing a disruption in the flow
- Darting into traffic
- Ignoring the “walk” signal at an intersection
St. Louis accident lawyer Chris Dixon is familiar with these tactics and has successfully proven the innocence of his clients – the victims – in disputes with large insurance companies.
If you have sustained an injury as a pedestrian, contact accident attorney Christopher Dixon for a FREE case consultation. Chris is recognized by the National Trial Lawyers Association as a Top 100 Trial lawyer and a Life-Time Member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.
The Dixon Injury Firm
9666 Olive Blvd #202,
St. Louis, MO 63132
Phone:(314) 208-2808