Representing Victims of Golf Car Injuries in St. Louis
When you or someone you love has been injured in a golf cart accident, The Dixon Injury Firm is here to protect your best interests. Our golf cart accident attorneys in St. Louis are highly skilled and can see to it that you and your family are provided for during this trying time. Whether you need financial assistance because of loss of work, medical bills, or to pay for the costs of recovery associated with any injuries sustained, our St. Louis Golf Car Injury Lawyers are prepared to offer you top-quality representation.
Schedule your free case review by our online CONTACT form or when you call our firm at (314) 208-2808 today.
Laws Governing Golf Cart Operation
In Missouri, the laws governing golf carts are very few. Golf carts can only be driven in certain places and must have an adequate ability to break. If golf carts don’t have to be registered like normal vehicles and can be used on city roads and non-highway roads, can an accident victim hold the driver liable for my accident, or the city? The answer could be both. When a driver fails to drive their cart safely and causes an accident, they can be held liable. If the city fails to make adequate laws concerning golf carts and this leads to the accident, then the city may be able to be held liable. Every case can be and usually is unique, this is why you need to retain a lawyer experienced in litigating golf cart accident cases.
What Do I Do After a Golf Cart Accident?
A golf cart accident is no different from a car accident or truck accident. Document what happened, and get any witness reports that you can.
Here are the steps we recommend you take immediately following a golf cart accident:
- Call the police: It is important the police document the golf cart accident by creating a report of the incident. Failing to officially document the crash by filing an accident report will allow the responsible party’s insurance company to delay or deny your claim for reimbursement. A police report will provide a summary of the facts of the crash, who is at fault, insurance information for the parties, witnesses’ names and contact information, road conditions, citations issued, and other vital details. A police report provides vital information for a subsequent investigation by your accident lawyer.
- Seek medical attention: Following any accident, victims are often dazed and confused. In addition, adrenaline is rushing and injuries are often overlooked. It is important that you seek emergency medical attention to ensure you receive proper treatment for your injuries. Overlooked internal bleeding and traumatic brain injuries are responsible for a countless number of deaths each year. Your car accident injuries need to be documented immediately in order to receive the correct course of medical treatment.
- Do not exaggerate your injuries: This is an extremely important point. Your medical providers cannot provide competent medical care if they do not know your true symptoms. In addition, qualified trial lawyers are always taking into account that your case may be tried in front of a jury of your peers. For this reason, it is imperative that the community is only required to spend their time deciding actual legitimate personal injury claims. Our firm will turn down any case if it is discovered that injuries are being exaggerated or falsified.
- Contact an attorney: Knowing that large insurance corporations hire skilled investigators requires that you obtain someone who is looking out for your best interests immediately after the crash. Insurance corporations place the interests of profit above all other interests. This includes yours! Following an auto collision, you should immediately retain an injury lawyer to begin an investigation into your case. As time passes, evidence is lost. Only an immediate investigation will ensure all available evidence is documented and preserved.
- Tell the insurance company to wait: Following the crash, insurance companies will begin to call immediately. They are calling to obtain your recorded statement regarding the facts of the crash. However, they do not care if you are in the hospital, on medication, or injured. Insurance companies hire trained investigators to obtain any evidence available to deny your claim. A statement provided while you are under the influence of narcotic pain medication will later be used against you if you fail to mention any relevant detail. There is a time for speaking to insurance companies and it is certainly not immediately following your crash. It will not hurt your case to wait to make a statement, despite what the insurance company may tell you.

Contact Our Dedicated St. Louis Golf Cart Injury Lawyers
Here at The Dixon Injury Firm, we understand what it means to provide effective and comprehensive legal counseling to our fellow citizens who have suffered due to the negligence or recklessness of others. We pride ourselves on offering tireless counsel and support for injury victims and their families to help them get the compensation they need to recover.
The Dixon Injury Firm
9666 Olive Blvd #202,
St. Louis, MO 63132
Phone:(314) 208-2808